CMDIS Monthly Newsletter | September.2024


Center for Materials, Devices and Integrated Systems
September Newsletter

Your assistant to keep you updated. Snippets on upcoming events, news about facilities, publications, past event notes.


CMDIS Annual Research Symposium will be held on November 22nd, Friday at the Heffner Alumni House! The 7th annual research symposium abstract submissions are open, the deadline is October 23, Wednesday. We invite all faculty, researchers, students, partners and collaborators to our signature event that celebrates research in microelectronics, interface and thermal engineering, advanced materials, metrology, energy and sustainability, polymers, biomaterials, composite materials, modeling and simulation, and advanced manufacturing, robotics and control research. The all-day program features research presentations, discussions and networking, Art-in-Science exhibition, award ceremony and happy hour (bring your ID!). Follow the announcements and learn more for scope and submission guidelines.

You may consider our facility tours for external visitors or faculty candidates. During the walking tour, the visitors will learn about CMDIS and our research enterprise, meet with technical expertise, and discuss fabrication, analytical, and characterization capabilities. Don’t have time? Then you may consider a guided virtual tour in Micro and Nanofabrication Cleanroom. Learn more.

RPI @ Albany Nano team provides Albany Nanotechnology Complex facility tours. The Albany Nanotechnology Complex is a leading research and development facility in Albany, New York, focused on semiconductor innovation and advanced nanotechnology. It hosts multiple organizations and provides state-of-the-art cleanroom facilities, fostering collaboration between academia, industry, and government. If you’d like to schedule a tour for your external visitors, faculty candidates or small size student groups, don’t hesitate to reach out by filling the facility tour request form.

What's Ahead?

The 2nd Annual New York State Pollution Prevention Institute Student and Faculty Research Program Symposium highlighting Reagents of Change: Green Chemistry and Safer Chemicals in Products and Industry will take place at CBIS Auditorium on 20 September (This Friday!). The program includes keynote speakers from industry, academic, and government organizations, student-led project presentations and a poster session. All researchers are invited to present research posters. Breakfast and lunch will be provided. Learn more.

RPI Reunion and Homecoming Weekend 
(27-29 September, RPI Troy Campus)
RPI alumni are coming back to campus for Reunion & Homecoming 2024. This year, as we honor our Bicentennial, it is a moment to reflect on the exciting changes taking place at RPI, and to express gratitude for all who make this change possible. Check the schedule for events.

2024 Albany Nanotechnology Symposium
(30 October 2024, Albany Nanotechnology Complex) 
Albany Nanotechnology Symposium (ANS) provides a forum for promoting cross-functional and interdisciplinary research in device technologies. The conference features invited and contributed talks, and posters by authors from research institutions, industry, and academia. This year’s topics focus on emerging research and development with semiconductor, quantum, and photonic device technologies. Abstracts submissions are over, but registration is still open until 01 October. Learn more.

2025 MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit 
(7-11 April 2025, Seattle, WA)
Abstract submission deadline: 17.October
The 2025 MRS Spring Meeting is the key forum to present research to an interdisciplinary and international audience. It provides a window on the future of materials science, and offers an opportunity for researchers—from students and postdoctoral fellows, to Nobel and Kavli Prize Laureates—to exchange technical information and network with colleagues.

APS Global Physics Summit
(16-21 March 2025, Anaheim, CA)
Abstract submission deadline: 25.October
APS March Meeting and April Meeting will now be called the APS Global Physics Summit. This event is the largest physics research conference in the world, uniting 14,000 members of the scientific community across all disciplines of physics. Learn more.

New York State Innovation Summit
(28-29 October, Syracuse, NY)
This multi-day is event for NYS organizations that want to showcase and discover new and emerging technologies that support innovation and drive business growth. The event serves as an opportunity to foster collaboration; introduce industry to experts that can assist growth, strengthen our statewide innovation ecosystem and showcase promising early stage companies. Learn more.

2024 Annual CESMII Member Meeting 
(6-7 November in Knoxville, TN) 
Attendees will gain valuable insights into accelerating Smart Manufacturing adoption, enhancing productivity, workforce capabilities, and sustainability. Learn about modernizing industrial data management, empowering global supply chain resilience, and how to implement these strategies to drive innovation and competitiveness in your organization. Learn more. 

What's Ahead?

(Undergraduate) The Hertz Fellowship
(Applications: 19.August - 27.October)
The program provides financial and lifelong professional support for the nation’s most promising graduate students in science and technology. All eligible applicants must be college seniors, first-year graduate students, or in a gap year preparing to apply to graduate school; intend to pursue a PhD in the applied physical and biological sciences, mathematics, or engineering; intend to direct their studies toward understanding and solving major, near-term problems facing society; and be citizens or permanent residents of the United States. Learn more.

(Graduate*) Stanford Energy Postdoctoral Fellowship
(Application deadline: 1.October)
The Stanford Energy Postdoctoral Fellowship aims to identify, develop, and connect the next generation of energy leaders from science and engineering to policy and economics to address the challenges of the global energy transformation through interdisciplinary approaches. Learn more.

(Graduate*) NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) 
(Application deadline: mid-October)
The purpose of the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) is to help ensure the quality, vitality, and diversity of the scientific and engineering workforce of the United States. The program recognizes and supports outstanding graduate students who are pursuing full- time research-based master's and doctoral degrees in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) or in STEM education. The information session was held on 13 September, for more information contact OGE*.

(Graduate / Post-Doc*) Fellowships 101 Virtual Information Session
(Join via Webex on 20 September, 1:00pm)
Fellowships provide salary(stipend) and tuition for graduate school to students that demonstrate they can meet a funders mission. Attend Fellowships 101 to learn how programs work, how to find them, and how to apply. There are opportunities for international students! Virtual.

(Grad/Post-doc) Schlumberger Faculty for the Future
(Applications: 8.November)
Fellowships are awarded to women from developing and emerging economies who are preparing for PhD or post-doctoral study in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) disciplines to pursue advanced graduate study at top universities in their disciplines abroad. Learn more. 

*please contact Elizabeth Madigan ( Sr. Program Administrator, Fellowships, Office of Graduate Education for more opportunities.

Publications on Our Radar.

Sontakke M.; Yerimah L.E.; Rebmann A.; Ghosh S.; Dory C.; Hedden R.; Bequette B.W., Integrating smart manufacturing techniques into undergraduate education: A case study with heat exchanger, 2024, Computers and Chemical Engineering, DOI:10.1016/j.compchemeng.2024.108858

Tamim H.; Khadka R.; Keblinski P., Limits of high-frequency polarization switching in BaTiO3, 2024, Applied Physics Letters, DOI:10.1063/5.0218240

 Worku Z.A.; Hicken J.E.; Zingg D.W., Quadrature Rules on Triangles and Tetrahedra for Multidimensional Summation-By-Parts Operators, 2024, Journal of Scientific Computing, DOI:10.1007/s10915-024-02656-5

 Meunier V.; Bepete G.; Cao M.-S.; Chen Y.; de Tomas C.; Di J.; Ewels C.; Koratkar N.; Li Q.; Liu C.; Sheremetyeva N.; Terrones M., Carbon science perspective in 2024: Current research and future challenges, 2024, Carbon, DOI:10.1016/j.carbon.2024.119488

 Wang X.; Li T.; Hu X.; Zhang Y.; Zhang D.; Zhang H.; Xu H.; Sun Y.; Gu X.; Luo J.; Gao B., Reclaiming selenium from water using aluminum-modified biochar: Adsorption behaviors, mechanisms, and effects on growth of wheat seedlings, 2024, Environmental Pollution, DOI:10.1016/j.envpol.2024.124835

 Bone R.A.; Chung M.K.J.; Ponder J.W.; Riccardi D.; Muzny C.; Sundararaman R.; Schwarz K., A new method to calculate broadband dielectric spectra of solvents from molecular dynamics simulations demonstrated with polarizable force fields, 2024, Journal of Chemical Physics, DOI:10.1063/5.0217883

 Shen P.; Gall D., Electron scattering at interfaces in epitaxial W(001)-Mo(001) multilayers, 2024, Journal of Applied Physics, DOI:10.1063/5.0223176

 Lu Z.; Frey D.M.; Dhull N.; Wang G.-C.; Lu T.-M., Epitaxial Ru Nanowire on Single-Crystalline Graphene for Advanced Interconnect Application, 2024, ACS Applied Electronic Materials, DOI:10.1021/acsaelm.4c00908

 Barringer J.; N'Gom M.; Fohtung E., Operando Imaging of Strain and Defects at the Nanoscale, 2024, Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Nanotechnology, DOI:10.1109/NANO61778.2024.10628841

 Chen N.-K.; Wang B.-Q.; Niu M.; Sun H.-B.; Zhang S.; Li X.-B., Intensive Structural Disorder Induces Electronic Delocalization: Amorphous Solid-Liquid Transition in Ovonic Threshold Switching Materials, 2024, Advanced Functional Materials, DOI:10.1002/adfm.202410622

In case you have missed..

CMDIS – Build Your NanoDevice (BYOND) program kicks off this week with a fresh cohort of undergraduates. We're here to equip our students with specialized cleanroom expertise, setting them on a solid path towards a promising future. Congratulations to all students! Please get in touch with Sarah An ( for technical details and content. Learn more.

CMDIS Facilities Open House and BBQ was on 11 September. We had record visitors this year, the groups visited the Micro and NanoFabrication Cleanroom (MNCR), Nanoscale Characterization Core (NCC) and Polymer Processing and/or Characterization Core (PPCC) to learn about instrumentation, fabrication and characterization techniques and requirements and our new acquisitions. Thank you for your participation! Don't hesitate to reach out to our technical team. 

CMDIS - Corning Undergraduate Scholars Program is supporting seven outstanding projects for eight talented researchers this year. The projects will be guided by our esteemed RPI faculty and Corning mentors. Heartfelt gratitude to everyone who contributed proposals, academic supervision, applications, and expert insights to drive forward glass science and engineering research. Congratulations to all students! Don't hesitate to contact Michelle Skomsky ( to learn more about the program. Learn more.

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