Polymers and Biomaterials

The polymer research at Rensselaer focuses on harnessing the versatility of polymers for a wide range of applications, including mechanical, chemical, opto- electronic, and biological uses. Advanced polymers research at CMDIS encompasses a wide range of topics, each contributing to the development of innovative materials and applications.

Nanocomposite Materials 

Researchers are exploring the incorporation of inorganic nanoparticles into polymers 

to create nanocomposite materials with tailored properties. These materials have applications in various fields, including aerospace, electronics, and medicine. 

Nanomedical Applications 

Advanced polymers interact with biological systems in complex ways, offering opportunities for nanomedical applications. These include drug delivery, tissue engineering, and diagnostics. 

New Techniques 

The integration of fluorescent and photochromic molecules into polymers supports high-resolution optical techniques like super resolution microscopy and lithography. These techniques have transformative implications for imaging and three dimensional micro and nanofabrication. 

Scalable Nanostructure Fabrication 

Researchers are exploring methods to scale up the fabrication of periodic nanostructures using polymers. This has relevance in light harvesting, sensors, and photodetection technologies. 


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