Advanced Materials

Advanced materials research leads to creation of new materials. These materials are typically designed to surpass the performance of traditional materials in various applications, such as electronics, aerospace, healthcare, energy, and manufacturing. CMDIS materials research focuses on development and application of innovative materials with enhanced functionalities.

Materials Discovery

Researchers work to create novel materials or modify existing ones to achieve specific properties or performance improvements. This involve the use of advanced manufacturing techniques, nanotechnology, or combinations of different materials to create composites.

Materials Property Enhancement

Researchers aim to enhance various properties of materials, such as strength, conductivity, thermal resistance, and optical properties, through precise control of their composition and structure.


Advanced materials find applications in a wide range of industries, including electronics (e.g., semiconductors and superconductors), telecommunication (e.g. optics and photonics), aerospace (e.g., lightweight composites), healthcare (e.g., biomaterials and drug delivery systems), energy (e.g., advanced batteries and solar cells).

Emerging Technologies

Researchers in this field continuously explore new materials and technologies, such as graphene, carbon nanotubes, and superconductive materials that have the potential to revolutionize industries and technologies.

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