Email: freym2@rpi.edu
Phone: 518-276-3323
Low Center for Industrial Inn.
CII 6015 6th Fl
110 8th Street
Troy NY 12180 US
David has a bachelor’s degree from Lawrence University in Appleton Wisconsin. His career and life long education in Electron Microscopy spans close to 30 years.
David’s industrial career began with providing microscopy, metrology, and image analysis for ARCH Chemicals and Jackson Laboratory. While at the later, he also worked with the histology group and learned a great deal about biological histology and microtomy. David spent the next 10 years working for Carl Zeiss as an Applications and Support Manager. His responsibilities there included customer and sales support as well as education. He worked on multiple product launches, provided educational support at short courses, trade shows and demonstrations. This position led to his joining Rensselaer, to provide service support, user training and education in the fields of Electron and Ion Beam Microscopy applications. All told in his combined 20 years of applications support work David has worked with and trained close to 1000 users on Zeiss Electron Microscopes.
David has also served as President of the Capital District Microscopy and Microanalysis Society. He has collaborated and provided co-authorship on a handful of journal and magazine articles, as well as a book chapter, and a large number of product support documents, flyers and application notes.