Email: barthj@rpi.edu
Phone: 518-276-2975
Fax: 518-276-8761
4153 Low Center for Industrial Inn.
CII 6015 6th Fl
110 8th Street
Troy NY 12180 US
John began his career with Rensselaer in 1975. He worked as a laboratory technician in the Material Science department’s ultra high vacuum surface science lab. In addition to becoming an expert in vacuum systems, he expanded his technical aptitude to include high voltage systems. John’s skill set was later tapped by the Electro-Physics department using HV, and UHV systems, for material growth and characterization. Around 1992, that assignment transitioned into work supporting equipment within the cleanroom.
John currently serves the role of Equipment Engineer within the MNCR. His main responsibilities include equipment diagnostics and repair. John is also the focal point for the cleanroom utilities and sub-fab. In his time outside of work, John enjoys cycling and skiing.