Center for Materials, Devices and Integrated Systems
March Newsletter
Your assistant to keep you updated. Snippets on upcoming events, webinars, fellowship opportunities, news about facilities, publications, past event notes.
We are looking for research focus groups (RFG) leads for (1) nanofabrication, (2) atomistic modeling methods and (3) 2D materials, please send a note to if you are interested, or you may join an RFG from this link.
What’s ahead?
RPI Graduate Research Symposium
(Abstract deadline: 17.March – Friday)
The RPI’s Graduate Research Symposium will be held on 12 May. Past symposiums have featured keynote speakers, the final round of the Three Minute Thesis academic research competition, podium presentations, poster presentations, career and alumni panels, and networking sessions. Several volunteer positions are available, abstract submission deadline is March.17. Learn more. Contact: Colleen Smith, Dean of Graduate Experience
10x Genomics Symposium at Rensselaer
(21.March, CBIS Bruggeman Conference Room)
The vast complexities of biology require approaches to build a complete picture, starting from single cells to tissues and beyond. 10x Genomics provides single cell, spatial, and in situ technologies that fuel scientific discoveries and drive exponential progress. Join 1-day workshop to learn their platforms. Learn more.
ACS Spring 2023 – Indianapolis, IN
(26-30 March)
The ACS Spring 2023 – Crossroads of Chemistry meeting will be held in Indianapolis, IN and virtual between March 26-30. The meeting is where chemistry professionals meet to share ideas and advance scientific and technical knowledge. By attracting thousands of chemical professionals, the meetings provide excellent opportunities for sharing your passion for chemistry, connecting with one of the world's largest scientific societies, and advancing your career in this ever-changing global economy. Learn more. Safe travels and good luck to all presenters!
2023 New York State Nanotechnology Network (NNN) Symposium @ University at Albany SUNY - "Advances in the Semiconductor Industry"
(Abstract deadline: 31.March - Friday)
On Tuesday, April 25th, the University at Albany SUNY will host the second New York State Nanotechnology Network (NNN) Symposium geared toward connecting NYS undergraduate and graduate students with NYS industry partners for the purpose of learning about and discussing "Advances in the Semiconductor Industry." The day will include a morning session with student, government, and industry talks, and an afternoon Poster Session & Career Fair. Learn more.
Approaching deadlines
(Undergrad) The Desk and Derrick Educational Trust Scholarships
(Application Deadline: 01.April)
These awards are made to undergraduate students who plan a career in the petroleum, energy or allied industry, or research and development of alternative fuels such as coal, electric, solar, wind hydroelectric, nuclear, and ethanol. Requirements: Completion of at least two years or are currently enrolled in the second year of undergraduate study at an accredited college or university, a grade point average of 3.2 or above on a 4.0 grading system, citizen of the United States or Canada. Learn more.
(Undergrad) Solarpunk Futures: Illustrating the Future of Solar
(Application Deadline: 30.April)
The U.S. Department of Energy Solar Energy Technology Office (SETO) is at the forefront of solar energy research, accelerating the advancement and deployment of solar technology in support of an equitable transition to a decarbonized economy. To continue SETO’s work while harnessing this movement, ORISE is hosting a research-based challenge for undergraduate students! The challenge is for students to create a Solarpunk art piece that communicates the potential of the technology the office is funding. Your Solarpunk art piece could win you a $5,000 scholarship! Learn more.
(Undergraduate/Graduate) Association for Computing Machinery (ACM-W) Computer Science Research Conference Scholarships
(Application Deadline: 01.April)
ACM-W provides support for women undergraduate and graduate students in computer science and related programs to attend computer science research conferences. Learn more.
(Graduate) 2023 AIChE Annual Meeting Abstract Submissions are open.
(Abstract Submission Deadline: 03.April)
The AIChE Annual Meeting will be held in Orlando, FL (5-10 November). It is the premier educational forum for chemical engineers interested in innovation and professional growth. Academic and industry experts will cover wide range of topics relevant to cutting-edge research, new technologies, and emerging growth areas in chemical engineering. Learn more.
(Graduate) Computational Materials Science Summer School
(Application Deadline: 15.April)
The 12th summer school on Computational Materials Science, CMS3, will take place on the Texas A&M University campus in College Station, Texas and will also be offered online. The program includes simulation tools at the atomistic, mesoscale and continuum, with a final integrative module on informatics/data science. The course is 10 days in two weeks, a limited number of fellowships will be available to qualifies applicants. Learn more.
(Post-doc) Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Education Individual Postdoctoral Research Fellowships (STEMEdIPRF)
(Application Deadline: 11.April)
The Directorate for STEM Education (EDU) STEM Education Postdoctoral Research Fellowships (STEM Ed PRF) Program funds postdoctoral fellowship projects designed to enhance the research knowledge, skills, and practices of STEM Education research by recent doctoral graduates in STEM, STEM Education, Education, and related disciplines. This solicitation supports individual postdoctoral fellowship awards; a companion solicitation (STEM Ed OPRF) supports organizational postdoctoral fellowship programs. Virtual Office Hour is on March 28th. Learn more.
(Post-Doc) Special Postdoctoral Researcher (SPDR) Program, RIKEN (Japan)
(Application Deadline: 13.April)
RIKEN (Japan's largest comprehensive research institution) is currently accepting applications for the FY 2024 Special Postdoctoral Researcher (SPDR) Program, from young, creative, independent researchers who will be a powerful force in furthering RIKEN’s research activities in Mathematical Sciences (pure mathematics, applied mathematics, computer science, information science, artificial intelligence, etc.), Physics I (particle, nuclear, astrophysics, etc.), Physics II ( condensed matter), Chemistry, Biology (cell biology, developmental biology, plant biology, structural biology, microbiology, imaging, measuring, etc.), Medical Science (brain science, psychology, immunology, oncology, genome science, etc.) and Engineering that relate to research being conducted at RIKEN. Learn more.
(Post-Doc) Air Force Science & Technology Fellowship Program Applications
(Application Deadline: 01.May)
The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine administers postdoctoral and senior fellowship awards at the U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL), the U.S. Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT), and the U.S. Air Force Academy (USAFA) under the Air Force Science & Technology Fellowship Program (AF STFP). The program is seeking highly qualified candidates who are U.S. citizens and hold, or anticipate earning, a doctorate in a variety of fields of science or engineering. Learn more.
(Faculty) Semiconductor Research Corporation Technical Excellence Award 2023 Call for Nominations
(Application Deadline: 07.April)
The Technical Excellence Award recognizes research of exceptional value to SRC members. SRC Professors can be nominated by any industry member of the SRC community, indicating the extent to which results from SRC-funded programs are being applied or likely will be applied by the industry. Nominations are accepted from all members of the SRC community for work performed during previous years. In reviewing each nomination for the award, the Awards Review Committee considers creativity, relevance to SRC/industry research objectives, direct impact and value to the industry, and the researcher's role in technology transfer. Learn more.
(Faculty) Semiconductor Research Corporation Aristotle Award 2023 Call for Nominations
(Application Deadline: 07.April)
A primary goal of SRC is to produce advanced degree students with the capability to work effectively in the semiconductor industry. The Aristotle Award is intended to acknowledge outstanding teaching in its broadest sense, emphasizing student advising and teaching during the research project thereby contributing to the maturation of the student. Nominations are accepted from the SRC community for faculty who have been funded by SRC contract research for a period of at least six years cumulative. Please provide 3 student (current or former) letters of recommendation with each nomination. Learn more.
Other Webinars / Conferences / Development
National Post-Doc Association, Professional Development for the Postdoctoral Community
This program consists of two free online courses built specifically for postdocs: Succeeding as a Postdoc (January 30, 2023 – March 12, 2023) Building Skills for a Successful Career (May 1, 2023 – June 2023). Register.
Pittcon: Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy
(18-22.March,Philadelphia, PA)
Pittcon is a dynamic, transnational conference and exposition on laboratory science, a venue for presenting the latest advances in analytical research and scientific instrumentation, and a platform for continuing education and science-enhancing opportunity. Pittcon is for anyone who develops, buys, or sells laboratory equipment, performs physical or chemical analyses, develops analysis methods, or manages these scientists. Learn more.
Physics Today Live Webinar: The Principles of Deep Learning Theory
(30.March,11:00am EDT)
Deep learning is an exciting approach to modern artificial intelligence that is based on artificial neural networks. The goal of this talk is to provide a blueprint—using tools from physics—for theoretically analyzing realistic deep neural networks. This talk is based on a 2022 book, The Principles of Deep Learning Theory, that was written by the speakers and was based on their research with Boris Hanin. Learn more.
MIT 2023 Annual Polymer Day
(Registration deadline: 05.April)
MIT’s annual day-long polymer symposium, Polymer Day, will be held in-person on April 26th in Morss Hall on campus. Hosted by graduate students in the Program in Polymers and Soft Matter (PPSM), the event is open to researchers at US universities, industry professionals, and the broader polymer science community. The symposium includes a poster contest, an alumni career panel, and seminars on cutting-edge research. Attendees will have plenty of opportunities to network with our industry sponsors at the networking lunch and career fair. Winning poster presenters will be announced at an evening awards reception/social hour. Learn more.
The Vertical Flight Society's 79th Annual Forum & Technology Display
(Abstract deadline: 10.April)
The Vertical Flight Society's 79th Annual Forum & Technology Display will be held between May 16-18 in West Palm Beach ,FL. It is the world's leading international technical event on vertical flight technology. The conference will span three days and include 200+ technical papers on every discipline from Acoustics to Unmanned Systems, as well as invited presentations and discussions by leaders in the military, government agencies and industry. Learn more.
Bruker Live Webinar: Advanced metrology for accurate, nanoscale failure analysis (19.April, 11:00am EDT)
This webinar addresses how scanning probe microscopy (SPM) and nanoindentation can advance failure analysis and reliability testing in the semiconductor industry. During this webinar, Bruker experts will present nanoindentation case studies—including the thermal expansion of Cu-TSVs—to illustrate how our nanomechanical test instruments have been developed to enable a broad suite of complementary characterization techniques which can be leveraged for semiconductor failure analysis and reliability testing. Learn more.
Publications in Our Radar
Ma M.-Y.; Chen N.-K.; Wang D.; Han D.; Sun H.-B.; Zhang S.; Li X.-B. (2023) Defect physics in 2D monolayer I-VII semiconductor AgI, Materials Today Nano, Vol.22, 100304, doi:10.1016/j.mtnano.2023.100304
Luo J.; Huang L.; Shi Y.; Deng B. (2023) The dynamics of shear band propagation in metallic glasses, Acta Materialia, Vol.248, 118787, doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2023.118787
Raza Naqvi S.A.; Kar K.; Mishra S. (2023) Autonomous pre-conditioning and improved personalization in shared workspaces through data-driven predictive control, Energy and Buildings, Vol.285, 112897,doi:10.1016/j.enbuild.2023.112897
Kandel S.R.; Dumre B.B.; Gall D.; Khare S.V. (2023) Mechanical and electronic properties of transition metal hexa-nitrides in hexagonal structure from density functional theory calculations, Computational Materials Science, Vol.221, 112084, doi:10.1016/j.commatsci.2023.112084
Nie B.; Li M.; Yao T.; Yang H.; Duan L.; Zhang J.; Xin G.; Liu T.; Sun H.; Lian J. (2023) Alignment does matter: Design thick electrodes to improve the comprehensive lithium storage performance, Carbon, Vol.206, 105,doi:10.1016/j.carbon.2023.02.015
Chari S.; Acharya P.; Gruen D.M.; Zhang O.; Eyigoz E.K.; Ghalwash M.; Seneviratne O.; Saiz F.S.; Meyer P.; Chakraborty P.; McGuinness D.L. (2023) Informing clinical assessment by contextualizing post-hoc explanations of risk prediction models in type-2 diabetes, Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, Vol.137, 102498,doi:10.1016/j.artmed.2023.102498
In Case You Have Missed
Trevor David Rhone (PHYS), has been interviewed by APS News. He the 2022 recipient of the Joseph A. Johnson III Award from the American Institute of Physics and the National Society of Black Physicists, for “scientific ingenuity and powerful mentorship and service.” In this interview, he spoke about his path leading to his research on creating artificial intelligence models to explore the properties of materials. Read more.
Daniel Gall (MSE) was appointed as the Robert W. Hunt Professor of Metallurgical Engineering at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. He is considered by the semiconductor/microelectronic industry as the most prominent researcher in electronic transport in nanoscale metal lines and thin films. Congratulations!
Researchers at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) have joined the Joint University Microelectronics Program 2.0 (JUMP 2.0) led by the Semiconductor Research Corporation (SRC) and U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). Daniel Gall (MSE) will lead research on new materials for future interconnects as part of the Superior Energy-Efficient Materials and Devices (SUPREME) center led by Cornell University. Read more. Congratulations!
Moussa N’Gom (PHYS) has devised a method to make communications between satellites and the ground more effective no matter the weather. In research recently published, N’Gom and his team used ultrafast, femtosecond lasers to cut through the clouds and rain that commonly cause losses in free-space optical communication (FSO). Read more. Congratulations!
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