The Center for Materials, Devices, and Integrated Systems, Micro and NanoFabrication Clean Room is offering an experiental program to meet the growing demand for skilled engineers and scientists in cleanroom technologies. The Accelerated Cleanroom Training Program (ACT) program is designed to introduce microfabrication and analysis concepts to interested undergraduate students, graduate students and visiting scholars.
The program features extensive training in cleanroom safety and operations followed by a hands-on laboratory experience and an optional short-term applied activity or project with a supervisor. The participants complete their full training in the Micro and Nanofabrication Cleanroom, a 10,000 square foot clean-room facility that enables the fabrication of nano-scale microelectronic devices and houses in-line characterization and metrology tools.
• Cleanroom Safety
• Lithography
• Deposition
• Etching
• Metrology
• Vacuum Technologies
This modular program is limited to 6 (min)-24 (max) participants, and can be offered in six, four, or two weeks. Participants will receive pre-, during, and post-evaluation surveys (i) to assess the baseline knowledge and to tailor the content, (ii) to monitor and adjust the instruction, and (ii) to evaluate the learning outcomes.
Classroom lectures cover the fundamental building blocks of major semiconductor processes. The hands-on training and practice component exposes the participants to theoretical and practical approaches to fabrication in a cleanroom. Prior experience in a cleanroom environment is not a prerequisite. During this program, the participants have the chance to visit other facilities, and meet with researchers and technical staff. By completing this training program, participants gain the necessary skills and knowledge to contribute effectively to semiconductor manufacturing processes and have a fundamental understanding of metrology and characterization techniques, and receive a certificate of completion.
Example Program:
Lectures + Labs (12 h + 12 h)
1 Cleanroom introduction and safety training
2 Lithography: Spin Coating
3 Lithography: Optical Lithography
4 Lithography: Maskless / E-beam Lithography
5 Deposition: Chemical Vapor Deposition
6 Deposition: Plasma Vapor Deposition
7 Deposition: Atomic Layer Deposition
8 Etching: Wet Etching / Plasma / Physical Etching
9 Etching: Reactive Ion Etching
10 Metrology: Microscopy Techniques
11 Metrology: Contact/Non-Contact Techniques
12 Vacuum Science and Gas Delivery Systems
Contact: Kent Way (Interim Director, MNCR)