Rigaku XtaLAB SynergyS Dual Source Single Crystal Diffractometer


Rigaku's XtaLAB SynergyS Dual Source Single Crystal Diffractometer is a top-of-the-line instrument and features powerful X-ray beam from rotating anode with dual wavelength (Mo and Cu) coupled with Rigaku’s HyPix-6000HE Detector allowing extremely low noise, essentially zero deadtime and true shutterless data collection. It is also possible to collect data at 100K using the Oxford Cryosystems Cryostream 800 low temperature system. Data integration is carried out using CrysAlisPro. Rigaku SynergyS is capable of determining the molecular structure of a wide range of materials, such as organics and biological small-molecules, proteins, organometallic complexes, and inorganic compounds. 

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